UKIP MEP Gerard Batten is a laughing stock
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Gerard Batten is a laughing stock who consistently due to his position as a UKIP MEP associated with the racist, anti homosexual, anti Jewish, anti Islamist organisations he espouses brings UKIP into disrepute!!
frankly I can not disagree with the comments below made on a UKIP controlled public forum!
To view the original comments CLICK HERE
There is little to add on the issue other than point out that for a ludicrously highly paid MEP with little or no understanding of ethics, morality, integrity, common sense, law or justice to act in such an ill informed way is staggering.
However this is not a first for the racist, hypocrite Gerard Batten who has lied and brought UKIP into disrepuete by trying to prevent me telling the truth about him.
Gerard Batten was indubitably guilty of abuse of his elected office imn wastimng police time trying to imply, under the corrupt Human Rights Laws to which these United Kingdoms are committed by virtue of their malign and damaging membership of The EU and its utterly undemocratic Lisbon Treaty.
Gerard Batten went so far as to try to clame I had intimidated him and his wife by pointing out that it was my opinion that his racist attacks on Islam may well have more to do with his wife, who is a Filipino by birth, may well be a devotee of Cardinal Sin style Catholocism and that his posturing and many of his extremist and distasteful views may have more to do with his relationship with her than the interests of these United Kingdoms or his constituents - whom he is honour bound to represent NOT hypocritically attack based upon their chosen superstitions and beliefs within the law!
This grubby little low life has as I have shown over many postings is a traitor to the values and principles of these United Kingdoms and has some particulary vile criminal associates. He would also seem to have abused his position, not just to waste police time, by nepotistically paying large amounts of money to family members under a cloak of 'expenses'.
A measure of the man is his association with the criminal Gregory Lauder-Frost who was sent to prison for having defrauded the health organisation for whom he worked of a considerable amount of money, and also the odious and thoroughly dishonest Mick McGough.
It is also of note that Gerard Batten has been at the heart of UKIP for many years and has never noticeably spoken out in condemnation of its undeniable corruption nor spoken of the many £Millions which would seem to have been trousered by its leadership team of which he is clearly a part.
I believe that Paul Wesson (sheltering behind his pseudonym Aardvark) makes undeniable statements of fact in his posting quoted above and I believe that the BCG abreviation stands for the deeply disturbed charlatan and scoundrel Brian Gerrish. For I doubt Paul Wesson was making comment on tuberculosis as in 'Bacille Calmette–Guérin', BCG!
The unfortunate and deeply challenged Brian Gerrish has tried to make issue of many cases in his attempts to besmirch established issues and organisations in Britain - not least of which would seem to be his obsession with his discredited interests in child abuse and interests in the idiotic posturings of the likes of the French Polisher and sometime Special Constable Albert Burgess, discredited criminals Robert Green and Roger Hayes.
Sadly such gems of actual information unearthed by Gerrish are ensured derision due to his constant espousal of unfounded and misinterpreted conspiracy theories, such that he must by now be a board member of The Tin Foil Hat Fellowship!
Frankly as it seems Gerard Batten has no understanding of intelligent honourable behaviour, ethics or duty it is long overdue that UKIP demanded his resignation but as there is not a single solitary individual amongst UKIP's leadership team of principle or gravitas, in my opinion, it may well prove hard for any of them to hang onto their lucrtative scam once the rotten apples are removed from the barrel!
Paul Wesson has made further very valid comment on Batten's stupidity:
. .
frankly I can not disagree with the comments below made on a UKIP controlled public forum!
Today, 07:37 AM
UKIP MEP Gerard Batten is a laughing stock.
I posted this in the Roger Hayes thread in British Police State:
There is not a scintilla of libel in that quote. If Batten, a fool, were to issue a writ for libel, which I dearly hope he does, I would have him for costs. Gerard Batten you a fool - FACT. Sue me.Gerard Batten is a complete @rse. He has been fed the BCG drivel and swallowed it hook line and sinker. This is why nobody should vote for UKIP. I can honestly say, without fear of a writ from Gerard Batten, that he is the stupidest politician of the year. The speech was wrong. Batten knows nothing of the English legal system, which given the time he has been a MEP is quite disturbing. This pathetic speech will be used, rightfully so, by UKIP's enemies to demonstrate what a bunch of utter fools UKIP has as MEPs.
Gerard Batten, for the avoidance of doubt, I state as fact and truth, that you are a second rate politician, a fool for all to see and that you are unfit to represent even the minutest percentage of the British people. You have brought the Eurosceptic cause into disrepute by your crass stupidity, I'd be surprised if Marine le Pen would want to sit in the same group as an utter numpty like you.
Today, 08:11 AM
Niall Warry said:
I posted this in the Roger Hayes thread in British Police State:
There is not a scintilla of libel in that quote. If Batten, a fool, were to issue a writ for libel, which I dearly hope he does, I would have him for costs. Gerard Batten you a fool - FACT. Sue me.
If one of the supposed better ones gets it so wrong what hope for EUKIP?
Clearly his quarterly piece in 'Freedom Today' for the Freedom Association is no guide to his abilities.
He appears to be the perfect EUKIP MEP - completely out of his depth and really there just to coin in the money.
There is little to add on the issue other than point out that for a ludicrously highly paid MEP with little or no understanding of ethics, morality, integrity, common sense, law or justice to act in such an ill informed way is staggering.
However this is not a first for the racist, hypocrite Gerard Batten who has lied and brought UKIP into disrepuete by trying to prevent me telling the truth about him.
Gerard Batten was indubitably guilty of abuse of his elected office imn wastimng police time trying to imply, under the corrupt Human Rights Laws to which these United Kingdoms are committed by virtue of their malign and damaging membership of The EU and its utterly undemocratic Lisbon Treaty.
Gerard Batten went so far as to try to clame I had intimidated him and his wife by pointing out that it was my opinion that his racist attacks on Islam may well have more to do with his wife, who is a Filipino by birth, may well be a devotee of Cardinal Sin style Catholocism and that his posturing and many of his extremist and distasteful views may have more to do with his relationship with her than the interests of these United Kingdoms or his constituents - whom he is honour bound to represent NOT hypocritically attack based upon their chosen superstitions and beliefs within the law!
This grubby little low life has as I have shown over many postings is a traitor to the values and principles of these United Kingdoms and has some particulary vile criminal associates. He would also seem to have abused his position, not just to waste police time, by nepotistically paying large amounts of money to family members under a cloak of 'expenses'.
A measure of the man is his association with the criminal Gregory Lauder-Frost who was sent to prison for having defrauded the health organisation for whom he worked of a considerable amount of money, and also the odious and thoroughly dishonest Mick McGough.
It is also of note that Gerard Batten has been at the heart of UKIP for many years and has never noticeably spoken out in condemnation of its undeniable corruption nor spoken of the many £Millions which would seem to have been trousered by its leadership team of which he is clearly a part.
I believe that Paul Wesson (sheltering behind his pseudonym Aardvark) makes undeniable statements of fact in his posting quoted above and I believe that the BCG abreviation stands for the deeply disturbed charlatan and scoundrel Brian Gerrish. For I doubt Paul Wesson was making comment on tuberculosis as in 'Bacille Calmette–Guérin', BCG!
The unfortunate and deeply challenged Brian Gerrish has tried to make issue of many cases in his attempts to besmirch established issues and organisations in Britain - not least of which would seem to be his obsession with his discredited interests in child abuse and interests in the idiotic posturings of the likes of the French Polisher and sometime Special Constable Albert Burgess, discredited criminals Robert Green and Roger Hayes.
Sadly such gems of actual information unearthed by Gerrish are ensured derision due to his constant espousal of unfounded and misinterpreted conspiracy theories, such that he must by now be a board member of The Tin Foil Hat Fellowship!
Frankly as it seems Gerard Batten has no understanding of intelligent honourable behaviour, ethics or duty it is long overdue that UKIP demanded his resignation but as there is not a single solitary individual amongst UKIP's leadership team of principle or gravitas, in my opinion, it may well prove hard for any of them to hang onto their lucrtative scam once the rotten apples are removed from the barrel!
Paul Wesson has made further very valid comment on Batten's stupidity:
Today, 08:37 AM
I can't understand a UKIP MEP getting involved with BCG. He clearly took the BCG press release at face value without checking with the police, the local council or the courts system. The fact that Batten thinks there is a lawful argument for withholding council tax shows how stupid he is. There is no lawful argument for such behaviour. If there were the charlatan and conman Roger Hayes would not be in prison as he would have a defence. Hayes has been 'withholding' his tax for some considerable time. A warrant had to be issued to bring him before the court. He is one of a very small number of people who refuse to pay council tax (withholding is his word for not paying towards the society he lives in) and who go to prison. The legal process to get to this stage has already passed through lawful demands for council tax, through threats of legal action, through an initial hearing, through judgement against Hayes, through enforcement, through a garnish order and through bailiffs.
If Hayes and his stupid cronies (yes, BCG, I think you are all stupid) are the legal experts they claim to be they would have won this case at the first hearing. They have the same rights of appeal as everyone else. Hayes could have appealed all decisions against him and could have taken his case, on a point of law, to the Supreme Court. If he was right he would have won. Despite the idiotic comments of BCG members, when they're allowed out of the wards, the fact is that the judges in the Supreme Court would have listened to all of their arguments and those of the other side. They would have weighed up both cases and made an honest judgement. The judgement would have been delivered in open court as well as in writing. Hayes and BCG know their arguments would have been demolished and their stupidity would have left them with a costs bill of hundreds of thousands of pounds. That's why this process hasn't been appealed - not because BCG and Hayes know they are right, but because they know they are wrong. Once a Supreme Court judgement on a national matter like taxation is published it binds all UK courts in perpetuity. The judgement would have analysed Hayes' arguments, discussed them based on common law precedents and statutes and demolished them.
That is the real fear - the paper tiger would be exposed. Nobody would be able to write the rubbish that Hayes writes without other people citing the case as proof that they're wrong. All of the arguments of Hayes, Harris, Gerrish, Burgess, Barnby, Mote, Scarth, Green et al might have been potted in one fell swoop. That would benefit the whole Eurosceptic movement as Common Purpose, Hollie Greig, freemen, treason and all of the other leitmotifs of the lunatic fringe could be consigned to the dustbin of legal history.
Sadly, that hasn't happened and the fool Batten has nailed his reputation to the mast of a sinking pirate ship. If Farage doesn't withdraw the UKIP whip today this speech of Batten's will haunt UKIP at election time. If I were the other parties I would be distributing it far and wide and demanding my activists understand what a fool Batten has been. This speech will be a great relief to David Cameron as it will save him hundreds of thousands of wavering voters. Nails and coffins and UKIP spring to mind.
Remember that a UKIP MEP has publicly attacked, on the record in the EU Parliament, Wirral DC, Merseyside Police and the courts system. BCG has less than one member per constituency. UKIP has won 500 votes here - all from people who don't vote for the traditional parties in any event. UKIP has lost the votes of local government workers, police and court staff nationwide. If I was a local government worker collecting council tax I would feel that Batten's speech had undermined my lawful efforts to enforce the rules. If I was the arresting police I would feel that Gerard Batten, at a time of massive cuts, had kicked me in the guts. If I was a magistrate I would wonder why Batten referred to my court as secret, when it clearly is not. The fact that Batten is so stupid, along with BCG, that he doesn't understand how our local government, police and courts work is no excuse.
Gerard Batten, you are a fool. Hang your head in shame.
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ReplyDeleteyour comment would be of far greater value if you were to put your name to it and not shelter in cowardly anonimity!
Be assured that it gives me no pleasure, as a long term supportert of the founding principles of UKIP and with an unreserved desire to expose the utter corrupt nature and malign influence of The EU, to note the staggering percentage of low lifes and liars, fools and the dishonourable who have floated to the top of the septic tank which passes for UKIP leadership clique and its odious, corrupt, corrupted and reprehensible claque - many of whom are proven liars, racists and all too willing to stoop to criminality and deliberate false witness to protect their positions.
Hence my contempt for those who lack the conviction of their comments to put their name to them.
On the off chance that your use of anonimity may have justification and not be used merely to dissemble and foment difficulties - I thank you for your comment!