Wednesday 1 February 2012

Gerald Batton brings little but shame to UKIP & EUroScepticism

Gerald Batton brings little but shame to UKIP & EUroScepticism
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!  
London MEP Gerald Batton brings little but shame to UKIP & EUroScepticism!

Since self enrichment was seemingly his aim he is angry at being exposed and his chances of more time milking the gravy train is diminished by the truth!


here is a brief extract regarding Gerard Batten - The failed UKIP MEP who has opted to neglect the electorate on his own private self serving and utterly odious mission which clearly harms UKIP, the electorate and these United Kingdoms in its hatred and dishonesty.

Batten seems to do NOTHING of value to help Leave-The-EU - merely, it seems, pandering to the basest prejudices of the lowest common denominator, with whom he so identifies, in an effort to get himself re-elected for further self enrichment!

The vile behaviour of the thoroughly dishonest and corrupt Gerard Batten

does nothing towards a discipline of Leave-The-EU be it his lies and divisive fantasies about me, his abusive behaviour and I now gather from material passed to me that he is not content with shaming his Country with his obsessive anti Islamic stance as it seems to those who look on but his hatreds and favouritisms.

Batten seems not to appreciate that when living parasitically off the public purse that is NOT an opportunity to abuse the position to enrich ones relatives nor to abuse ones position and title to suppress the truth and keep facts from the public - a practice he has perpetrated from his early days in office, one need only remember his efforts to prevent witnesses being brought to the Kangaroo Court in his office by the clearly falsely abused Peter Baker!

How do Gerard Batten's religious hatreds & fantasies enhance a policy to Leave-The-EU, let alone his lies, dishonesty, corruption and efforts to manipulate and suppress Justice by abuse of his office?

I gather Gerard Batten is even trying to bully and boss people about BECAUSE HE is an MEP having lost sight or any understanding of duty, integrity or democracy, the man is a disgrace!

I note Lawrence Webb has resigned as London Regional Organiser now that he has his own ambitions for the gravy train - no doubt being on Gerard Batten's pay roll was an embarrassment to his ambitions, understandably!

However the OLAF inquiry that found Derek Clark guilty could all too easily draw the same conclusions regarding Lawrence Webb's position and with Gerard Batten already under investigation by OLAF and before the courts under allegations of racism and abuse of staff plus we understand electoral irregularities before The Electoral Commission it can hardly help Webb's ambitions.

Then again association with a liar, cheat and criminal sociopath like Mick McGough
can hardly enhance UKIP's chances in the EU Assembly elections for London. One need only read UKIP's own returning officer's report to appreciate the dishonesty of Mick McGough and also of course EVERY UKIP leadership team member who failed to speak out - It is a very good measure of the depths to which UKIP has sunk and just how unfit for office they are in their betrayal of Britain!
To read the full article CLICK HERE
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
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